Samsung 三星客戶服務中心 (銅鑼灣廣場) | Hong Kong Phone Repair Shop Info

Samsung 三星客戶服務中心 (銅鑼灣廣場)

Causeway Bay district Phone Repair Shop

District: Causeway Bay

Phone Repair Shop Address:
香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道489號銅鑼灣廣場1 期15樓1501室

Phone Repair Shop Tel:
2521 4888

Phone Repair Shop Opening Hours:
星期一至日及公眾假期: 11:00 - 20:00

Phone Repair Shop Views:

Disclaimer: The Phone Repair Shop locations and other information listed on this website are purely for reference and do not represent and guarantee that they are the most up-to-date and complete. If this website does not update/incomplete Phone Repair Shop information, and any physical or non-physical things are derived, this website will not take any responsibility.

Other Causeway Bay district Phone Repair Shop options
姜師傅手機維修中心 | ILIFE 蘋果產品維修 | 香港手機快修中心 | 添美屋 James Design House | Sony – Xperia Care客戶服務中心 | Samsung 三星客戶服務中心 (銅鑼灣廣場) | APPLE 授權維修中心 - 信港 (英皇道) | APPLE STORE 產品維修中心 (希慎廣場) | Heater 智能電子維修 (銅鑼灣地帶) |