八方社 (竹園廣場) | Hong Kong Phone Repair Shop Info

八方社 (竹園廣場)

Wong Tai Sin district Phone Repair Shop

District: Wong Tai Sin

Phone Repair Shop Address:

Phone Repair Shop Tel:
2320 3422

Phone Repair Shop Opening Hours:

Phone Repair Shop Views:

Disclaimer: The Phone Repair Shop locations and other information listed on this website are purely for reference and do not represent and guarantee that they are the most up-to-date and complete. If this website does not update/incomplete Phone Repair Shop information, and any physical or non-physical things are derived, this website will not take any responsibility.

Other Wong Tai Sin district Phone Repair Shop options
數碼達詢 | 電話亭 | Fix-Pro (黃大仙中心) | 八方社 (鳳德商場) | 八方社 (竹園廣場) |

Other Wong Tai Sin district Phone Repair Shop options